There has been maintenance work done on Maud and her tender, The Gem, in February and March.
Grateful thanks to Peter who has spent many hours servicing the tender’s engine and has painted the interior. The Gem is now looking smarter than she did in 2019. Photos are currently “awol” but members will see the results of his work when they come for a trip.
On Saturday 29th February a small band of strong volunteers met at Womack to load more ballast on Maud. The job was done in a few hours and here are a few photos:
On Tuesday 10th March Mike, Andrew and Linda spent a happy three hours painting Maud’s decks with black bitumen. The first photo shows Mike on his knees painting the starboard plankway and the other is of Maud’s foredeck when the painting was finished. The paint is not purely decorative. It protects the wood and prevents the oak from rotting. Ideally we need a further coat on the plankways with sawdust added to roughen the surface and make it non-slip.