It was a real treat for us to spend the August Bank Holiday weekend at the lovely venue of Fairhaven Gardens at South Walsham.

The Fairhaven Broad (South Walsham Inner Broad) is not very deep and we were not able to moor Maud at the staithe for visitors to come on board. We had to anchor her to a mudweight on the broad and come ashore in our tender. There were compensations: some lovely photos were taken of the wherry, surrounded by water and with the backdrop of the tree-lined broad with not a building in sight. Visitors to the gardens were able to take a boat trip and see Maud at close range. The drivers of the Fairhaven boats kindly told their passengers about Maud and encouraged them to come and see the Pop Up after their trip.

More than 150 people came into the Pop Up and learnt all about Maud’s story while looking at the photographic displays and watching videos of Maud sailing. Several people took away copies of our membership form and two have already joined the trust.
These events are only possible because WMT members volunteer to come along and talk to the public about Maud. Why not join us? You do not need to be an expert on wherries, you will learn on the job and enjoy meeting new people.

Images courtesy of Roger Hewin