Wherry Maud Trust
Wherry Maud Trust was registered as a charity in April 2015, and the trustees are currently Mike Barnes, Nigel Gutteridge, Linda Pargeter and Neil Thomas.
The objects of the charity are:
- To maintain, preserve and operate for the benefit of the public the Wherry ‘Maud’
- to advance the education of the public concerning Norfolk wherries and their historic and cultural role in Norfolk and Suffolk Broads
- to provide training in the skills necessary to maintain, preserve and sail them.
Maud was sailed regularly by her owners and their friends and helpers until 2015 when the trust took over her operation.
The Trust is honoured to have Richard Jewson JP, Lord Lieutenant of Norfolk, as Patron. The connection between Maud and the Jewson family firm is explained in our About Maud page.