Sailing on Maud
How you can sail with us
Simple – check our Upcoming Events page for details of future sailings and, if you are not already a member, join the Trust (you must have a valid membership when on board for a sailing, crew will check this).
Information for members coming for a sail on Maud
Maud is normally based with the Norfolk Wherry Trust’s Albion at The Forsythe Wherry Yard, Horsefen Rd, Ludham, Great Yarmouth NR29 5QG. You will be advised if your trip starts from another location.
You will be asked for contact information so that organisers can contact you in case of last minute cancellation of your trip.
Please wear clothing and shoes suitable for a boat trip. Bring waterproofs if there is a chance of rain.
Sun block is advisable in the summer, especially if you bring small children.
We will provide self-inflating life jackets for those on board.
We cannot normally provide lifejackets for small children or animals.
Refreshments may be provided but we cannot guarantee that, so please bring your own food and a flask.

Donations to cover the cost of any refreshments provided and to help with the upkeep of the boat are gratefully accepted. There is a donations box on board and Gift Aid envelopes are provided. Please do take the time to use a Gift Aid envelope as we can then reclaim tax on your donation.
Toilet facilities on board are basic, with a flushing porta-potti in a curtained-off area in the rear of the hold. Wet wipes and anti-bacterial gel are provided for cleaning hands. Do take the opportunity of using on-shore toilets whenever possible, especially at the start of your trip.