Wherry Maud Trust

Keeping Broads history alive

Category Events

April 2021 Annual Meeting

For those who were unable to attend our annual meeting on 24 Apr 2021 on Zoom, here is a link to the slides that were shown: 2021 Annual Meeting presentation

Maud’s Gallery

Sticky Post

2020 Programme

2020 Programme published

Winter Crew Training at Womack

In the autumn we decided to run some crew training sessions over the winter. Our volunteer skipper Jeff Stamps agreed to lead the session. Winter training with crew only and no members on board works very well. The rivers are… Continue Reading →

Reedham to Womack – 24/9/19

On Tuesday 24th September it was time to return to the Bure with Jimmy James as skipper, from Reedham Ferry to Womack, a journey accomplished in one day, starting late morning and finishing at dusk. This is a report of… Continue Reading →

Breydon with 50mph gusting

Last Wednesday 19th Sept 2018 was the day scheduled for taking Maud from Reedham Ferry back to our winter berth at Womack, Ludham. As you will no doubt remember the weather forecast was not very promising due to Storm Helene…. Continue Reading →

Maud back in Commission 2017

After a successful re-launch in heavy rain on Friday 8th September the trustees of Maud are pleased to report that Maud is ready to sail again from the Norfolk Wherry Trust base at Womack. On Sunday 17th September re-rigging was… Continue Reading →

Using mast to lift cargo on board

During the weekend of 10/11 September 2016 Maud made history. Do you know anyone who has witnessed a wherry being loaded in the traditional way using her mast as a crane? Note that the block at the mast head is… Continue Reading →

Come onto the Waveney, Maud

The message is out that Maud is on her way to southern climes for a short time. Is anyone interested in sailing her from Acle to St Olaves? As it so happened I was at somewhat of a loose end… Continue Reading →

Two Trips in May

On Saturday 7 May John Cook took the following four photos : And Martin & Lynette Taylor took some photos on Sunday 15 May when six new members came for a short sail as part of a joint event with… Continue Reading →

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